(English Version below)

„Globales Index-Neujahrsforum (2022)“ der Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)


Einführung des „Meta-Index“, der Erklärung zur Ethik globaler Indizes und der Indexpedia


Am 31. Dezember 2021 veranstalteten die Academy of Regional and Global Governance (ARGG) der Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) und die Indexpedia gemeinsam das Globale Index-Neujahrsforum (2022)“ in der Multifunktionshalle im neunten Stock der Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP). Auf dem Forum zum Thema „Mit globalen Indizes die Zukunft gestalten“ wurden der unter Leitung von BFSU-Präsident Prof. Yang Dan entwickelte weltweit erste „Meta-Index“ sowie die „Erklärung zur Ethik globaler Indizes“ veröffentlicht. Der Online-Zugang zur „Indexpedia“ wurde aktiviert und es fand eine Vorabveröffentlichung von 20 eigens entwickelten Indizes statt.


Auf dem von Prof. Wang Jianbin, ständiger Prodekan der ARGG, geleiteten Forum erklärte BFSU-Vizepräsident Prof. Zhao Gang in seiner Grußrede, dass sich die BFSU von einer globalen Strategie leiten lasse. Mit ihrer Konzentration auf die drei Schlüsselbereiche globale Sprache, globale Kultur und globale Regierungsführung erhöhe sie weiter ihre Fähigkeit, Chinas weltweite Strategie zu unterstützen.


Prof. Yang Dan stellte zunächst die Beziehung zwischen den drei Themen des Forums klar. Er erklärte, dass der „Meta-Index“ zur wissenschaftlichen Heimat globaler Indizes werde, indem er ein Bewertungssystem bereitstelle. Die „Erklärung zur Ethik globaler Indizes“ werde zur geistigen Heimat globaler Indizes, indem sie ein Wertesystem biete. Die „Indexpedia“ beschrieb er schließlich als die physische Heimat globaler Indizes, da sie ein integriertes IT-System bereitstelle.


Prof. Yang Dan gab daraufhin offiziell den Startschuss für den „Meta-Index“. Auf der Grundlage seines Konzepts als „Erkenntnisindex, Bewertungsindex und Entwicklungsindex“ bietet der Meta-Index eine umfassende Bewertung globaler Indizes mit Hilfe verschiedener Methoden und vielfältiger Datenquellen und hilft den Menschen, Indizes im Zeitalter der „Indexexplosion“ besser zu verstehen und qualitativ hochwertige Indizes zu finden, die ihre Bedürfnisse genauer und einfacher erfüllen. Langfristig kann der Meta-Index eine Referenz für Forscher und Praktiker auf dem Gebiet der Indizes darstellen, dazu beitragen, auf dem Indexmarkt die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen und einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Aufbau der Indexforschung leisten.


Prof. Li Ziying, Vizepräsidentin der ARGG, und Prof. Ren Wen, Dekanin der School of Translation and Interpreting der BFSU, verlasen die „Erklärung zur Ethik globaler Indizes“ auf Chinesisch und Englisch. In der Erklärung werden weltweit erstmals die grundlegenden ethischen Prinzipien des Aufbaus eines globalen Indexsystems für Forscher und Nutzer von Indizes formuliert. Sie enthält die Grundsätze der Gerechtigkeit, der Offenheit und der Wissenschaftlichkeit von Indizes. Sie spricht sich für akademische Unabhängigkeit, fairen Wettbewerb, Antidiskriminierung, eine ausgewogene Entwicklung, weltweite Kooperation und eine wissenschaftliche Fundiertheit der Indexforschung aus.


Prof. Niu Huayong, Dekan der International Business School der BFSU, stellte auf der Konferenz die Indexpedia vor. Sie ist die weltweit erste Index-Enzyklopädie und zielt darauf ab, durch die strukturierte, dynamische und interaktive Nutzung von Indizes interdisziplinäre Schranken zu überwinden und ein weltweites, umfassendes Wissenssystem zu schaffen. Im Jahr 2021 wurde die erste Projektphase des Aufbaus der Indexpedia mit 1200 wichtigen Indizes abgeschlossen. Außerdem wurde eine noch detailliertere zweite Datenverarbeitung für fast 400 Indizes durchgeführt, um die Daten zu visualisieren. Künftig wird die Indexpedia auch schrittweise mehrsprachige Versionen einführen, maßgeschneiderte Datenanalysedienste anbieten und innovative Index-Forschungsmethoden schaffen, um letztlich ein globalisierungsorientiertes Indexforschungssystem herauszubilden.


An einem Rundtischgespräch über die sozialen Funktionen von Indizes und die Weiterentwicklung der Indexforschung unter Leitung von Prof. Zhou Xinyu, ARGG, nahmen folgende Experten teil: BFSU-Präsident Yang Dan, der ehemalige Vizeminister der Internationalen Abteilung des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas Yu Hongjun, der Direktor der Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies der China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration Yu Yunquan, der Direktor des Departments for European Studies des China Institute of International Studies Cui Hongjian, der akademische Prodekan des Institute of New Structural Economics der Peking Universität Wang Yong sowie Wang Jimin, ebenfalls von der Peking Universität und Professor beim dortigen Department of Information Management. Die Expertinnen und Experten trafen sehr positive Urteile zum Meta-Index, zur Erklärung zur Ethik globaler Indizes und zur Indexpedia.


Auf dem Forum wurde zudem die Veröffentlichung einer Reihe von Indizes im Jahr 2022 angekündigt, darunter 11 Indizes zum Aufbau internationaler Kommunikationskapazitäten, 4 Indizes zum Themenkomplex Global Governance und 5 Indizes zur Globalisierung.


Ein TV-Team der spanischen Ausgabe des China Global Television Network (CGTN) und Journalisten der arabischen Version der Xinhua News Agency interviewten Präsident Yang Dan live auf dem Forum. Auch die Xinhua News Agency und deren Zentrum für neue Medien, der Sender China Education Network Television, das China Social Science Network (cssb.cn), die Zeitschrift Modern Education News, die französische Seite von China.com und viele andere Medien verfolgten die gesamte Veranstaltung.






BFSU Convenes New Year 2022 Global Index Symposium

Forges New Innovative Frontiers in Global Index Research


“Index the World for the Future”—this was the theme for the New Year 2022 Global Index Symposium jointly held by the BFSU Academy of Regional and Global Governance and Indexpedia in the multi-purpose hall at the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press on Friday, 31st December. Celebrating the culmination of BFSU’s pathbreaking work in index research led by university president Yang Dan, the symposium witnessed the unveiling of “Meta Index”—the world’s first index of indices—and the Declaration on the Ethics of Indices. Participants were treated to online demonstrations of Indexpedia—the first-ever encyclopedia of indices—and a pre-release of 20 new indices developed by BFSU.  


Chaired by Wang Jianbin, executive vice dean of the BFSU Academy of Regional and Global Governance, the symposium commenced with a welcome speech from BFSU vice president Zhao Gang. During his opening address, Zhao spoke about BFSU’s focus on global languages, global cultures and global governance as part of its strategy to become a world-class university and further contribute to China’s international strategy.


President Yang Dan then went on to introduce the Symposium’s three major innovations—Indexpedia, Meta Index, and the Declaration on the Ethics of Indices. Explaining the relationship between the three, Yang described how the Declaration provides the values and ethical framework under which Indexpedia operated, while the Meta Index, in turn, acts as an evaluation system, appraising and rating the numerous indices on Indexpedia. 


After his introduction, Yang officially launched Meta Index. Driven by the idea that indices need to be better understood, evaluated and developed, Meta Index synthesizes multiple data sources and index measures to provide a holistic evaluation of the world’s indices. At a time when the number of indices across the globe is increasing exponentially, Meta Index provides users with an easier way to understand indices and helps them to quickly find a range of high-quality indices to meet their needs. Looking to the future, Meta Index will act as a reference point for scholars and researchers studying indices and will help support the growth and development of higher-quality indices in the index market. The index will provide the groundwork for the development of index studies (indexology) as its own academic discipline. 


Following this, Li Ziying, vice dean of the BFSU Academy of Regional and Global Governance proceeded to read the Declaration on the Ethics of Indices in Chinese, with Ren Wen, dean of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation delivering the English translation. The Declaration represents the world’s first articulation of a moral and ethical framework that covers international index work and is designed for index researchers and users. It calls for indices to be grounded in the principles of justice, openness and science and advocates that index research and use should be undertaken in an environment of academic independence, fair competition, and balanced development. The Declaration opposes the use of indices as a means for discrimination and calls for the international community to work together to research, create and use indices in a science-based and rational manner.


Niu Huayong, dean of the International Business School then provided participants with an introduction to Indexpedia. Making history as the world’s first-ever encyclopedia of indices, Indexpedia aims to break down disciplinary barriers by building a structured, dynamic and interactive encyclopedia of indices and establish an index-based global knowledge system across all disciplines. The site kicked off its first stage of development in 2021 and already collects data from 1,200 influential indices. Boasting a well-designed and interactive interface, Indexpedia has also reprocessed the data of almost 400 indices so that they can be presented in a more user-friendly way through images and graphs. Looking forwards, the site will gradually grow to incorporate multilingual versions and provide users with customized data analysis services. In this way, Indexpedia will provide the groundwork for greater innovation in index research and help create a formalized framework for index studies in our increasingly interconnected world.


In the subsequent round table discussions hosted on behalf of the BFSU Academy of Regional and Global Governance by Zhou Xinyu, participants heard from a number of experts in the field on how indices can be applied to social research and how index studies (indexology) can be further developed as a specialized discipline. Notable experts participating in the discussion included:


l  Yang Dan—President of Beijing Foreign Language Studies University

l  Yu HongjunFormer vice minister for the International Department of the CPC Central Committee

l  Yu YunquanPresident of the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration

l  Cui Hongjian—Director of the Department for European Studies at the China Institute of International Studies  

l  Wang Yong—Academic Deputy Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University

l  Wang Jiming—Professor at the Department of Information Management at Peking University


They spoke highly of the Meta Index, Declaration and Indexpedia at the symposium.


The symposium also included an announcement on a series of indices that will be released in 2022. These included 11 indices on international communication competencies, 4 indices on global governance and 5 indices on globalization.


Following the discussions, Yang Dan gave interviews with CGTN Spanish and Xinhua News’ Arabic language channel.


The following media organisations also took part in interviews throughout the symposium:

Xinhua | Xinhua New Media Center | China Education Television | China Social Sciences Net | Modern Education News | French.China.org.cn



























An Introduction to Meta Index


In today’s information age, indices are important tools for understanding the world. Yet as the number of indices around the world rapidly increases, we now find ourselves with access to millions of indices covering a vast range of subjects. This presents us with a significant challenge: How do we determine which indices have the most value?

In this context, Beijing Foreign Studies University has developed Indexpedia—the world’s first encyclopedia of indices—and is now launching Meta Index, an index of indices. By evaluating the indices on Indexpedia, Meta Index aims to provide users with quick access to the world’s most valuable indices.

Drawing its evaluation methods from bibliometrics and altmetrics, Meta Index uses data from multiple sources such as periodical articles, search engines and media outlets to evaluate the indices on Indexpedia across three indicators—importance, authoritativeness and influence.

Meta Index is objective, automatic and flexible. All index data is sourced from objective outcome data and can be collected, processed and calculated by the program automatically. By allowing users to freely combine evaluation indicators as required, Metaindex can accommodate a diversity of user needs.  


Indicator System of Meta Index




A Importance

A1 Government attention

Whether an index appears on government website

A2 Public attention

Whether an index is among most searched terms on search engines

A3 Viability

Whether an index lasts for more than 10 years

B Authoritativeness

B1 Acceptance in authoritative academic journals

Whether an index is used in articles in authoritative academic journals

B2 Acceptance in key academic journals

Whether an index is used in articles in key academic journals (B1 excluded)

B3 Acceptance in ordinary academic journals

Whether an index is used in articles in ordinary academic journals

C Influence

C1 Influence on official media

Amount of information concerning an index in central media

C2 Influence on self-media

Amount of information concerning an index in self-media

C3 Influence on web portals

Amount of information concerning an index on web portals

C4 Influence on business media

Amount of information concerning an index in business media


Top 10 Indices


Chinese name

English name







Consumer Confidence Index







Manufacturing Index







Human Development Index







Consumer Price Index







QS World University Rankings







Journal Impact Factor







Purchasing Managers' Index







Dow Jones Industrial Average







China Commodity Price Index







Non-Manufacturing Business Activity Index







Declaration on the Ethics of Indices (Beijing 2022)


We live in a world shaped by the indices we have created for ourselves. The drive to produce these indices lies in our universal need for a simpler way of understanding the world. Like a form of virtual and augmented reality, indices have a profound impact on our understanding of our lives, influencing both the subjective and objective world in which we live. Whether indices serve as a commodity or a public good, their design, dissemination and use should be carried out under a common ethical framework.


I. We advocate that indices should be grounded in the principle of justice.


Academic independence.


Indices portray research objects using simplified and quantitative methods and it is inevitable that, during the design process, some form of professional knowledge and subjective judgement will be required. We must, as far as possible, aim to anticipate and avoid any subjective bias from entering the design process. Likewise, we should anticipate and avoid any possible misinterpretations that may arise through the circulation and use of an index. The development, publication and use of indices should be independent of factors such as improper interests, the researcher’s reputation, and external influences.  


Fair Competition.


Each index should be able to compete fairly in the knowledge market in a way that promotes the development of the index and maximizes its contribution to society. Developers and stakeholders should not pursue individual interests to the detriment of the overall interests of society.




We reject all use of indices as a means for discrimination. The design and interpretation of indices should not be based on race, color, gender, belief, or any other discriminating factor that may lead to unjust results. We oppose the politicization, stigmatization and vulgarization of indices.


Balanced development.


We will promote a balanced approach to the development of indices that focuses on high-quality growth. We aim to bring more indices to more people and ensure that indices can fairly assess and reflect the lives of the broader population. We will eliminate the "index divide" and "index poverty," oppose discourse hegemony, and aim to prevent indices from becoming inflexible measures that are not adjusted when conditions change. We will correct global imbalances in index development, publication and distribution, and reduce the inequality of index opportunities caused by language, technology and cultural differences.


II. We advocate that indices should be based on the principle of openness.


The development of indices calls for the international community to work together. We are committed to facilitating global cooperation through extensive consultation, joint contribution and international exchange. We call for indices to be open and accessible, and believe that ultimately, indices should become public goods. We aim to provide the public with quicker and more efficient use of the results of indices, while also supporting those involved to take on more extensive and efficient participation in the development of index products and services.        


III. We advocate that indices should be founded on the principle of science.


We believe that the utmost attention, care and professionalism must be taken in each stage of the index process, from defining subject matter and content to carrying out index design, data collection, publication, distribution, interpretation, and use for decision making. Indices should reflect their research objects in a way that is as thorough, objective, fair and neutral as possible. We will do our best to make sure that subjective judgements and professional analysis are science-based and reasonable. We will take on the responsibility to apply the latest methods and tools in this endeavor.


We must never forget that when we use indices to evaluate the world, we are taking on the responsibility of establishing standards and setting the future for the international community.



January 12022




Introduction of Indexpedia



Indexpedia is the world’s first encyclopedia of indices. It aims to break down disciplinary barriers by building a structured, dynamic and interactive encyclopedia of indices and establish an index-based global knowledge system across all disciplines.


Indexpedia kicked off its first stage of development in 2021 with the registration of indexpedia.net and the construction and launch of its version 1.0 website. As a large-scale aggregator of the world’s most important and popular indices, the site already collects data for 1,200 influential indices spanning nearly 200 countries and regions in 18 separate sectors that include culture, society, and the economy. Indexpedia has tailored the development of its data collection methods and tools to match the makeup of each index website it draws data from. The site has developed data collection polling mechanisms that are in constant feedback with all aggregated websites to ensure that data is accurate and up to date. Providing more than just raw information, Indexpeida has reprocessed the data of almost 400 indices so that they can be presented in a more user-friendly way through images and graphs. The platform also incorporates a range of advanced indices that have recently been created by teams at Beijing Foreign Studies University. These include indices on globalization, the influence of international organizations, the global influence of Chinese universities, the presentation quality of accounting information, and the capacity of countries to use their own languages on the world stage.


Looking to the future, Indexpedia aims to increase the global standing of index research through engagement with the international research community. This will include the gradual addition of multilingual versions of the platform as well as customized data analysis services that can be used to research indices from all around the world. Building off the extensive array of indices complied on the site, we will create “Meta Index”, an influenced-based index of indices. We are also working on a synthesis of academic literature on index research from a range of disciplines and look to consolidate index research methodologies. Through this, we hope to provide the groundwork for greater innovation in index research and help create a formalized framework for index studies in our increasingly interconnected world.